I can remember my Mother needlepointing at night when we were watching t.v.  Or on a Sunday afternoon.  She taught me how.  But I never really took up the needle.  I like to sew, but this just didn't intrigue me.

Lately I have been noticing how my "relaxing" time involves sitting on the sofa with my family while watching a tv show or a football game ... and I am on my laptop.  Reading blogs, trying to come up with ideas for my own blog.  And perhaps playing a game of Spider Solitaire ...  or two ... or three!  Or until I can actually win the damn thing!!

 Like everything we sometimes need to bring it back.  Stop the craziness and "be" in our space at the time.

While I love blogging and the network it has given me, I realize that there are other things more important.

My Grandmother had a saying ... "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop." I hold those words dear, I am not sure why, but they constantly reverberate in my head. I have a difficult time just sitting.  Especially in front of the tv.

So ... I might just start putting the laptop down on our favorite "show night" and pick up an addiction a little more old fashioned.


Then again, if Needlepoint isn't your thing ... you can just buy all these.

Are you feeling too connected?  What do you do to REALLY disconnect?

Making the World More Beautiful.  One Room at a Time.




Chair Addiction ... The Reality!


Friday Snip - It's ... all about the ORC!