1.  I started out the week Roaring ... A Force to be reckoned with!
2.  Loving my Lion Footed Planter I found at an Estate Sale.
3. Successful Dorm Move - In.
4. New Items at Holliston Antiques ... Stop by for a visit if you're in the 'hood!
5. Gold Spray Paint has become my New Friend.
6.  Mirror found while taking Callie to college.  There is another one. Hmmm.
7. More Lion love, from my visit to DC recently.
8. Salvation Army Cheap Table.  Becoming Gold. Just you Wait!
9.  I started out Roaring ... My Roar became kind of a scream.  School finally started.  Doctor's visits, Popped Shoulder for Christopher.  I think I like Football ... not so sure anymore.  I bit into a pretzel and broke a tooth.  I don't think there is anything that can make me feel older than breaking a tooth.  Really???

Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and hope you get your Roar On!





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