Good Morning from the Kitchen!
We are now on our third Kitchen renovation in 10 years.
We've learned a little.

As I am working through this third one, I have some food for thought.

According to House Beautiful, Copper is the "new" metal trend for 2014.

We did the copper thing in 2007.  I loved it.  I still do, as a matter of fact.

But here's the Pro/Con list for you to truly consider before you jump on the bus.

Seriously, I loved my copper sink and faucet.  But they were frustrating.
I wanted to have them keep the same beautiful shine they had the day we purchased them.
This is hard. Yes, the sink handles and things you constantly used stayed shiny.  
The rest did not.  I tried to clean it all with Tarnex one Thanksgiving and thought I would throw up from the smell.  And it streaked.
Once every six months or so I decided to give it some elbow grease and was never quite satisfied.
And let's face it ...  I have more things to do than rub my faucet all day!!

The sink actually took on a patina that I was happy with.  But I still yearned for the shine!
A friend told me I had to Embrace the Patina or move on.

Here's a round up from UK House Beautiful for your consideration:


The barstool will stay shiny if you sit on it!!  and the lamps I believe will be slow to patina as they probably have a finish on them.

So if you are considering bringing in this Trend (which I still consider a classic)  in 2014,
Consider carefully how and where you will use it, and if you have the ability to


Making the World More Beautiful.  One Room at a Time.



Friday Snip - Its ... Self Absorbed!


Back in the Saddle!